Leo's home


Personal Information    


First Name:  You    

Last Name:  Li 

Chinese Name:李由

Gender:  Male 

Birth Date:  March. 17, 1984

Mailing Address: No.6 Kexueyuan South Road Zhongguancun, Haidian District Beijing,China

Email:   liyou@jdl.ac.cn  

MSN: ly840317@hotmail.com


Education Background  


09/2006 ~ present


09/2002~ 07/2006   

Background Summary      


 2006.9–2008.4. Participate in NSF973” Research Proteomics based on information technology”.


The goal of this project is to develop novel software with independent Intellectual Property Rights, which is also named “pFind Project”. Its task is to identify the peptides and proteins sequence (like text string) by searching in Protein Databases (a database to store many sequences). Therefore, this work can be regard as developing a search engine, including lots of studies on Algorithms and Statistics.


I am responsible for designing and developing Index tool kit of pFind to accelerate its speed, (implemented with C and C++). Now, I have finished IndexToolKit2.0, whose time consuming on constructing index and space consuming are by far lower than the most popular software Mascot and SEQUEST in this field. Moreover, I also communicate with users all over the world, collect their opinions and improve our search engine.


2006.3-2006.6 “Community Monitoring System based on Wireless sensor networks”, in charge of image transmission under uclinux and WinCE4.0.



Using inverted index to speed up the protein identify system;
A method of sorting and searching strings(a signature of string);


Work Experience    

2004.10-2005.7: China Institute of Metrology TA Hangzhou
2004.9-2005.7: Hang Zhou Ye Yu University Teacher Hangzhou
2003.9-2004.11: China Institute of Metrology Chairman of Party Hangzhou




English: CET-6(79). Skilled at reading and writing, communicate with others well.

Computer: Skilled at C & C++ programming. Know .net and eclipse. Know well data structure and algorithms. Know Statistics and pattern recognition.

Others: Skilled at communication such as contacting with our system users and writing presentations to introduce our algorithms and system.


Awards and Honors


2009.1: Lenovo Master Scholarship; (5/200)
2006.6: The Excellent College Graduates of Zhejiang Province;
2004.9: “STRIVE” First Scholarships;
2002-2005: First Scholarships.





    Programming / Tennis/Dance