
Wen-Jing Zhou


Wen-Jing Zhou , an ordinary girl born in Jingzhou , Hubei Province , is now a member of pFind.

My previous research direction is proteogenomics. I have studied novel genes and false annotation of Yeast and MTB. These studies were cooperated with BPRC.

At present, I am working on accurate identification. Paper of accurate identification is in preparation.

Each member of pFind is deserved to be learned from. I hope we can build our team better.


2014 - now : Postgraduate student of Computer Application Technology , University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

2010 - 2014 : Bachelor of Artificial Intelligence , Hunan University.

Under the supervision of professor Si-Min He.


Contact Information

Address : Institute of Computing Technology , Chinese Academy of Sciences , Beijing , China , 100190

Email : zhouwenjing@ict.ac.cn


pFinders : http://pfind.ict.ac.cn/members.html

pFind Studio : http://pfind.ict.ac.cn/

bioinfors : http://bioinfo.ict.ac.cn/

Copyright : Wen-Jing Zhou , 02/09/2018