Release Notes of pFind 3
Version 3.2.2 - Dec. 20, 2024
- The new expiration date is Dec.18, 2027. License since Version 3.2.1 still valid for this version.
- Adding support for timsTOF pro, Astral instruments and FAIMS data.
- Adding PFB/PFC data file format for efficient reading and writing.
- Optimized the efficiency of data preprocessing against large-scale RAW file data.
- [pParse] Improved precursor detection for low-abundance or incomplete isotopic clusters.
- [pFind-GUI] Adding a notification module for publishing messages.
Version 3.2.1 - Jun. 6, 2023
- Fixed a bug when processing large protein databases.
Version 3.2.0 - Jan. 5, 2023
- The new expiration date is Jan. 10, 2026. License since version 3.1.3 is still valid for this version.
- Optimized the workflow of searching against huge proteome database files.
- Optimized the function of blind search, which has been used in pChem.
- Fixed some bugs in the previous version and changed a few descriptions in the result files.
Version 3.1.6 - Dec. 29, 2019
- The new expiration date is Jan. 10, 2023. License since version 3.1.3 is still valid for this version.
- [Kernel] Optimized the performance of the restricted search mode on low resolusion MS data.
- [Kernel] Fixed the bug when processing the MS/MS data with negative charge mode.
- [GUI] Adding the multi-process-mode when running pParse.
Version 3.1.5 - Jan. 24, 2019
- The new expiration date is Dec. 31, 2019. License since version 3.1.3 is still valid for this version.
- Add the description of the result file in the installation folder.
- The maximum number of fixed modifications is set as 20, which is not limited by the parameter settings.
- Changed the strategy of protein inference in the restricted search mode: semi-/non-specifically digested peptides were also considered in the procedure of protein inference.
- Updated 'modification.ini' based on the latest version of Unimod database (
- Supported the MS data analysis with mzML format.
- Add the description of the result file in the installation folder.
Version 3.1.4 - Nov. 21, 2018
- [pFind-GUI] [IMPORTANT] Added a new quantitation method of "Report-Intensity", which is the same as the common identification workflow but call pQuant to calculate the intensity of each peptide afterwards.
- [Kernel] [IMPORTANT] Fixed a bug of processing large protein databases (> 4GB).
- [pFind-GUI] User must click the 'Save' button and then click the 'Start' button to start a search.
- [pFind-GUI] Changed the default parameters of TMT-6plex and TMT-10plex
- [pFind-GUI] Fixed a bug of saving parameter files in processing MS2 quantitation
- [pBuild] Added the feature of reporting all retention times of the identified peptides.
- [pBuild] Added the feature of reporting all matched b/y ions of the identified PSMs.
- [pBuild] Fixed some typos in the interface.
- [pBuild] Optimized the demonstration of the identification with MGF files.
- [Kernel] Output the procedure of generating peptide candidates when the program is running.
- [Kernel] Output a new result file named "pFind-Filtered.spectra", which contains the target PSMs within the given FDR threshold, e.g., 0.01.
- [pParse] Fixed a bug of output the .csv file of large MS/MS data (it may contain multiple headers).
- [pParse] Supported the export of precursors of low resoluation MS1 data (do not call pParse algorithm but only output the corresponding .pf1 and .pf2 files for the following database search).
- License since version 3.1.3 is still valid for this version.
Version 3.1.3 - Aug. 1, 2018
- [IMPORTANT] The new expiration date is August 1, 2019. As the license module is updated, please applied for the new license file.
- [IMPORTANT] Fixed a bug when setting the workspace directory.
- [IMPORTANT] Fixed a bug of the license module which may affect the registration of some users using Win 10 system.
- Fixed a text error in the pFind.spectra file.
- Added a warning when users choose "open search" for low resolution MS/MS data.
- Added the option of retrieving all PSMs by any given protein accession number in pBuild.
- Optimized the appearance of the welcome page.
- Optimized the option of comparing two PSMs.
- Optimized the naming rule of the temporary files output by the kernel program.
Version 3.1.2 - Apr. 10, 2018
- The first released version.